Beach Days Remembered

Over the Labor Day weekend we enjoyed a few hours in the sun and sand with family.  Papa Byron did get sun burnt in spite of all of his precautions.  Seems his pale legs just don't see the light very often.  Playing with our youngest grandbaby in the sand and waves was a delight.

Gramma, me, was mostly happy to be with all the gang and to finally visit the famed beach house.  Our fine hosts made our meals at home and everyone enjoyed lots of games and fun.

Everything said even with a few small problems and a church meeting in another city in the middle we all had a grand time.  I can be very thankful and feel quite blessed to have been together with our wild, crazy, extended family.

I even got to buy two beach tee shirts and enjoy a brief outing with two of my favorite girls.

Enjoy this little home video of the game that Gramma Michele can't win!  Taco Cat!


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