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Showing posts from November, 2010

Birthday Dream

Yes, it's my birthday. I am 45 wonderful years old today. I feel healthier than ever and happier than ever.... Today I am working to fulfill a little dream. Since coming to this little town of ours in the middle of nowhere Brazil, I have been out of the women's ministry loop. Out of touch, far from others and with no extra time to dedicate to another "job" in my busy life. Before we came to Bahia, I was heavily involved with women's ministries in my church, city and state. I felt that with our move and the need to homeschool my children, this part of my work had to be left. And so I did. Tonight I am hosting my own birthday party at our little church. I have invited only ladies. I invited the ladies that regularly attend and some on the periphery as well as some pastor's wives from a nearby town. It will be the first of what I hope to be more meetings. My goal tonight is to present the WHY of having regular meetings just for women ...

Snippets of Memories Long Ago

Christmas, 2003, Reidsville Little pieces of memories that pop into my head at the oddest times: Choosing a real tree for a furlough Christmas.  I remember the scene above so clearly.  William was telling us the best way to go about this big decision.  Dalton was carefully inspecting all the trees.  Oh, what a sweet memory! Riding horses with old Mr. Spradlin and learning how to rack. Looking for fresh wild mint switch to swish off the big horse flies.  Going shopping for church clothes for my cousin Diane who went home with us from a camping trip on the Skyline Drive with nothing but shorts and jeans. We both got a pair of the latest thing in fashion that summer - slides. Crying all the way home after 4H Camp down on the lake. It was so good, so much fun, my friend, Wanda, and I cried all the way home. I think we were exhausted, too! Drawing smiley faces and writing "Smile, God Loves You" on everything from notes, letters, envelopes, n...

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Happy husband.  It's taken a lot of years to reach our happy plateau.  It's a nice place to be. Great boys.  The more they grow, the more I can appreciate what they bring to my life. Supportive Mom and Dad.  Hardly a day goes by when we don't exchange messages or talk.  So thankful for their love and care for me and mine. Brother in Brazil.  My own brother is in Brazil with his wife and three boys.  They are not close to us by any means of transportation, but knowing they are In His Service is a special joy. Another Birthday.  On Saturday I'll be 45!  I feel healthy and happy.  Just had a physical and doctor told me how wonderful it was to see a healthy patient! Wonderful Friend.  Yes, I have one.  One really great one who doesn't live too far away and shares many of my interests, hopes and dreams!  Thank you, friend, for all you do to keep me going - knowing and not knowing! My Dreams.  They are not all i...

If I Were A Shoe…

If I were a shoe, I’d be A black leather slide If I were a city, I’d be Roanoke, Virginia, the Star City of the South or the little villa of Praia do Forte near Salvador If I were a season, I’d be late Fall with the smell of fallen leaves and cool mornings If I were a car, I’d be a Range Rover with 4-wheel drive If I were a vegetable, I’d be good old green brocolli If I were a fruit, I’d be a sweet red strawberry If I were a color, I’d be  dark pine green or chocolate brown If I were furniture, I’d be a grandma-sized wooden rocking chair If I were a country, I’d be New Zealand with all those green mountain sides. If I were a beverage, I’d be a Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino If I were clothing, I’d be  a zip-up cardigan If I were weather, I’d be a brisk fall morning with a slight breeze. If I were a dessert,  I’d be  a chocolate eclair If I were a plant,  I’d be a sunflower.

Old Film, Same Message

A missionary colleague recently uploaded some old films made about the work in Brazil by Baptist Mid-Missions many years ago in the 1950's. Yesterday I was able to watch the first of the series.  All I can say is "Wow!  Things haven't changed much in Brazil.  And things haven't changed too much with the work of missions in Brazil either!" There are still donkey carts in the street.  They have better wheels nowadays! There are still people who live in grass huts and high apartment buildings, too. Bicycles are still many people's only means of transportation, if they are that lucky! Many roads in the interior towns are still paved with cobblestones, if they are paved at all. And yes, chickens are everywhere, even in big cities. Brazil still needs missionaries! That's right, Brazil is not evangelized and in no need of foreign missionaries today.  It still needs workers to spread the Good News of the Gospel and the Risen Saviour!  Sadly that part of t...

"No Small Thing"

"Daily Tasks are Not Small Things" (May 1923) "If when cooking you think of yourselves as the chemist that you are, combining different ingredients into a food that will properly nourish human bodies, then the work takes on a dignity and an interest. And surely a family well nourished with healthful food so that the boys and girls grow up strong and beautiful, where their elders reach a hale old age, is no small thing. Little House in the Ozarks , Laura Ingalls Wilder, p. 206, May 1923   When I think of all my tasks and chores and duties, this quotation sums up one of the most important jobs that I often wish to put aside because I feel in such a hurry - getting good food on the table for my family.  Hurry, hurry, hurry!  Hurry to get the boys up for breakfast.  Hurry to get it on the table.  Hurry to get started with school work.  Hurry to get done with school work.  Hurry to get a few household chores done.  Hurry to get lunch going....