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Showing posts from January, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day to You!

These pictures are from a few years ago.  My boys don't make valentine's for their mama anymore.  Guess it's my own fault.  But I can enjoy these from the cyber photo treasure box.  Brazil doesn't have a Valentine's Day in February.  They do celebrate a sort of lover's day in May or June, can't remember which!  But it's not the same thing.  No little candy hearts with silly phrases about loving and liking, and no cards to pass out at school to all your friends either. Some times it's hard to remember that it's time for a certain American holiday when no else is celebrating.  Guess that's what those special send a card automatically websites are for, eh? Well, in case I forget before the right day gets here this month, Happy Valentine's Day to you!  You, whoever you are out there in the great big world.  You, relatives and friends.  You, readers and blog jumpers.  You who happen upon this silly little post on my silly litt...

Shhh... Be Still, and Know Your God

It's a Go, Go, Go! world.  I've not been very still lately.  In fact it seems I've been running here and there and everywhere.  Sometimes the running is not of my design, sometimes it is.  But with all the flitting from here to yon, it's hard to concentrate, it's hard to listen, it's hard to hear.  It's hard to hear the still, small voice of God.  We run and run and run and end up with no time at all for the important part of each day - communing with our God and Maker. I'm so tired of running and getting nothing accomplished.  You know what I think the best part of eternity in Heaven will be?  We'll have all the time in the world, no deadlines, no curfews, no darkness and no concerns but that of singing the praises of God Almighty each and every moment. If I could just take my last scrapbook, maybe I could finally get it done!                   ...

My Retreat, January 2011

Rest!  That's a friend's word for 2011!  I know she's a hardworking, homeschooling missionary mom just like me and the word may seem totally ironic, but I know exactly what she means.  She wants to look for those quiet times to sweet peace and rest in the Lord God.  They may be brief, they may be far between, but those tranquil moments that we need to slowly recharge.  Did you know that the rechargeable batteries that take longer to recharge last longer!  We need that slow recharge from time to time to give us what it takes to be energizer bunnies! Path to my Cabin This past week was a six-day retreat out on the island for hearing-impaired.  My responsibilities were limited since I was not in the kitchen, canteen, or did I have to do any of the shopping.  So thankfully I could dedicate my free time for taking pictures for the camp website and to ME!  I took lots of books for myself and the boys.  The boys and I had a writing worksh...

For a Friend

I can't really remember when I first met this unique lady.  I'm sure it was probably at the old campus of Fortaleza Academy campus near Channel 5's studios in Aldeota.  I do recall one of the first real encounters we had.  Her husband had been called to come and look over the construction going on at our church work in Joao XXIII.  My dear husband invited them to come to Sunday School and stay for lunch.  I can still remember what I served that day - a crazy chicken casserole.  Knowing this friend's husband better after all these years, I can just imagine what he thought that day.  He's a steak kind of guy and just forget the potato, and give him another steak to go with the first!  But, I remember them both being very gracious and kind during the visit in spite of what may or may not have been a great meal and in spite of my two then toddlers getting under foot. My next clear memory is on the new school campus.  This lady didn't know me re...

Just a Photo

  Here is the group of children that sang on December 19 at church in our Christmas program.  I think there were about 19 including a visitor who had never even been to visit before this night.  So... what is Greyson doing back there?