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Showing posts from July, 2011

Prayer for a Friend

May God guide you to wise and healthy decisions.  May He keep you safe from harm and hurt.  May He remind you of things learned and heard from mother, father and true friends.  May He cause you to desire the only true relief for your soul - Jesus.  Amen.

The Jobs of a Proverb's Woman

spinning and weaving cloth making and selling clothing dressing well and attractively staying physically and mentally fit giving religious instruction to her children gathering food and healthy meal planning administering household finances overseeing the family business buying and investing family funds performing charity work caring for the poor helping people up climbing walls on the island

Photo of the Week

Update: And the answer is ....   It is a Savonius windmill !  You can look that up yourself on Google if you're really interested!  It will be used to generate power for a water pump out on the island. 

What's Cooking?

For lunch today: Chili Beans:  used 1 kilo of hamburger, 1/2 kilo of carioca beans, and 2 McCormick Mild Taco Seasoning packets Corn Bread:  used self rising flour, corn meal, Qualy margarine, 2 eggs, milk, little salt, a little sugar Shredded Cabbage Salad: shredded cabbage and carrots, 1 Splenda packet, Rosé salad dressing, a little mayo Baked Potatoes: 5 big potatoes, 30 minutes in microwave On the table: Qualy margarine, garlic sauce, hot pepper sauce, sour cream To drink: Sweet Iced Tea 5 regular sized tea bags and 1 cup sugar for 1 gallon of tea

Good Times

My Daddy had a birthday this week and my thoughts have been on home and happy times with him over the years.  Here's a few... Stopping at the canal locks near Harper's Ferry on a trip.  I loved going over the bridge there. Camping on the Skyline Drive with all the cousins and playing lots of croquet. Jumping out of the car to see the view on a Blue Ridge Parkway overlook.  Seems Daddy always had time for another overlook. Going over the mountain from Bedford to Natural Bridge on Route 443 and wondering if Uncle Leon's RV would really make it. Driving back from the Outer Banks one time with our bathing suits still on and feeling salty all the way home because we wanted to get in one more swim in the ocean before heading back. Creeping along old Route 24 before it gets to Bedford with each main component of the car's electrical system going out one by one and finding an old farmer man in the middle of the night with just the right battery for Dad's old sta...

Happy Birthday to My Daddy

When I think of home and Dad, my mind goes to all the places of good memories... Places like the Skyline Drive and all the times we went camping with cousins and playing croquet with Dad and all the gang Camping at Morehead and rolling down the dunes at Jockey Ridge with Dad saying what a mess Fishing on the Chesapeake and breaking down in one of my uncles' boats with Daddy trying to fix it.

10 Great Things to Put in a Missionary Care Package

Okay Folks!  After millions of requests for what I would love to have in a box from America, here's the big list!  Alright that is a slight exaggeration of the number of people who have ever asked or even cared to know, nonetheless the matter has been on my mind lately.   I guess it all started when a person told me that sending packages to missionaries was a big waste of money and effort.  Floored me!  Same person included snail mail letters and cards in the same paragraph as non-important!  So here we go and make sure you keep in mind that this is MY list and not send these same items to some other missionary mama that might not like tacos at all or need ear plugs.  Always best to verify before hand!  1. Mild Taco Seasoning in packets  2. Soft Foam Ear Plugs  3. Skittles  4. Plastic bowl covers (they look like shower caps)  5.  Mennon Speed Stick Antiperspirant (any fragrance)  6. Mechanical pencils (the chea...

Three Things

There are three things I use every single day in my kitchen.  Every once in a while someone asks me, what are some good things for a new missionary wife to bring from the States to Brazil.  Each one of these was well worth the effort to fit into my luggage. A stainless steel tea kettle for all that water boiling ... I like the one I have for three great features: It whistles. It's big. My mother gave it to me. A double burner griddle for toasting bread in a non-toaster world and of course, for pancakes ... I like mine because:  I can do more pancakes, bread, grilled cheese or tapioca cakes at one time, hence my family eats sooner. My favorite ladies at my favorite missionary ladies' group gave it to me. Super big dish drainers Hey, not many dish washers in the third world unless they are "hand-made" jobs!  So you need room for lots of dishes to dry.  Not many places to buy packs of 100 white paper plates for a dollar either.  I have two green R...

Proud Mama

I am the proud Mama of three great boys.  I was ex-specially privileged to see a little of the fruits of my and my dear husband's labors recently as our oldest made a trip to be involved with a missions group from America.  Our son was praised for his good work and help in all things physical and spiritual. Thank you, Lord, for a great boy.  Keep him safe and in your will and service for many, many years to come! To read more about his trip and see more photos, go to my homeschool blog at Wordpress: Please pray for William and Dalton as they are both at a music camp being held at the seminary this week.

The Retreat

Last year around November I managed to get myself invited to be the main speaker of a retreat for women that was to be held out on Treasure Island. Looking back over the past months since I have wondered several times what in the world I was thinking...   The theme given originally was "Women in Ministry." Later it was modified to something like this - "Women in Mininstry in the Church and Home." I have read and studied enough to write a book on the role of women in the church all through the ages and in the modern world. I looked for resources in English and Portuguese. And of course, I wore out the pages of my favorite study Bible, "The Women's Study Bible." I feel like I only had time to share about 1/10th of all that I had hoped and desired, but now I have a lot of material for future opportunities! I made a few new friends and even made my second attempt to climb the camp climbing tower.           ...