Called to Stay + Called Together = Called to Stay Together Today marks 28 years of marriage to the man of my life. Ours has been a missionary marriage since day #1. When we started dating, while both in Bible college, Byron let me know of his missionary call to the country of Brazil. It was to let me know - Date me, might marry me, will go to Brazil. I took it seriously as I had felt called to missions at a young age. In 1985, I traveled to Brazil with Byron to see if it and he were for me. I remember thinking after the trip that I really liked Brazil, and Byron, too. We started making plans to marry and to get to Brazil. We were married in 1987, but it took a few more years to get to the mission field. Our wedding was simple. We were married at Chamblissburg Baptist Church in front of the parsonage. Pastor George Law counselled with us before we were married. He seemed concerned about my "independent sp...
Just a mama trying to bloom where she is planted in the dry Northeast of Brazil.