Thanksgiving 2015 As you boys may know, today is Aunt Michele's 50th birthday. Yes, I really am that old! Half a century! Growing up sometimes my birthday would fall right on Thanksgiving day since it's a holiday that is on a certain day of the week and a certain week of the month. Do you know how that works and what U.S. president set it up that way? Check it out and see if you can find out! I remember often getting a chocolate pie for my birthday and not a chocolate cake. But it was always A-OK for me since I love pies! Pumpkin is one of my favorites. This morning I was glad for three extra pieces of pie leftover from our Thanksgiving feast - and yes, I ate one for breakfast with whipped cream. I also remember that the birthday money I got almost always went to buy Christmas presents for my brother and for my parents. Your daddy's birthday money had always run out long before the holidays, so half of mine usually got lended o...
Just a mama trying to bloom where she is planted in the dry Northeast of Brazil.